Human resource software

Human Resource Management System Project in PHP and MySQL Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a simple Human Resource Management System. It is a web application that was developed in PHP and MySQL Database. It aims to provide an online automated platform for certain company employees' to manage or submit their leave applications. It has a pleasant user interface with some gradient color and uses Bootstrap and Responsee Framework for the page designs. It consists of

Profiling System For Human Resource Management using PHP/PDO with Source Code

Submitted by umind514 on
This project is called Profiling System For Human Resource Management. This was developed using PHP/PDO, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap for the design. The project was developed for the specific School which is the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC). The purpose of this system is to keep the records of employees under the Human Resource Department to maintain the private

Human Resource Management System in VB.Net and SQL Server with Full Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
Human Resource Management System in VB.Net with Full Source Code The H uman Resource Management System is a software based system that is made up of VB.Net and SQL Server for the database. It contains an admin section that plays an important role in all of the management of the system. This Human Resource Management System in VB.Net is designed as an easy to use system that users can easily

Human Resource Information System

Submitted by nass on
After receiving a lot of emails and comments i decided to do this project,if you downloaded my last project ( Complete Student Information System) I used the same codes and steps as i did in previous project. BUT this one you also have to finish the remaining panels,what i did is to give you ideas and you can implement those ideas to develop your own system. Database password: humnaresource System