Glassmorphism Digital Clock Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Welcome to the Glassmorphism Digital Clock! This innovative project demonstrates a stylish digital clock using the popular Glassmorphism design trend, which combines a sleek, frosted glass effect with vibrant, dynamic visuals. The clock displays the current time, date, and day of the week, offering a sophisticated yet functional addition to any website. This project is ideal for web developers and

Glassmorphism Login Form Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Welcome to the Glassmorphism Login Form, a visually stunning and modern authentication interface built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project utilizes the glassmorphism design trend, characterized by frosted-glass effects and semi-transparent elements, to create an elegant and user-friendly login and sign-up form. The form is fully responsive, ensuring it looks great on any device, and