Fixed Top Navigation

Bootstrap Navigation Bar With Multi-Level Dropdowns

Submitted by rinvizle on
This tutorial we will teach you how to construct or create a responsive Bootstrap Navigation Bar With Multi-Level Dropdowns. With Bootstrap, a navigation bar can extend or collapse, depending on the screen size. A standard navigation bar is created with a class called "navbar navbar-default". Navigation bars can also hold multiple dropdown menus.

Auto Hides Fixed Top Navigation Menu

Submitted by alpha_luna on

Auto Hides Fixed Top Navigation Menu

Today, we are going to create Auto Hides Fixed Top Navigation Menu with jQuery and CSS. We are going to use the basic jQuery plugins to do this kind of tutorials. Using it, we create fixed top navigation menu in the header of the page and it will autohide the menu when the user scrolls down the window but it will show it out again when it scrolling up the window again.