
ATM Security Using Fingerprint Recognition and GSM An Embedded System

Submitted by obutebasil on
ATM security using fingerprint recognition and GSM is an embedded system, which is used for ATM security applications. In these systems, Bankers will collect the customer finger prints and mobile number while opening the accounts. The working of these ATM machine is when customer place finger on the finger print module it accesses it and compares it with the remote fingerprint server, if it

Bio Authentication in ATM Using Fingerprint

Submitted by teejaygenius on
This application is a visual basic application to secure the ATM machine with the use of fingerprint device to prevent unauthorised access. With the use of Griaule Biometric Licence. Access to an account is with the use of the four digit PIN with the use of the fingerprint previously collected at point of registration by the bank. It has a link for New Customer Registration, Deposit, Withdrawal

DTR System/Fingerprint Reader

Submitted by crister_ramirez on
---------------DTR SYSTEM/FINGERPRINT READER------------- It allows you to enroll employee using fingerprint reader, it requires griaule installer/grfinger 2009 component and fingerprint reader like microsoft fingerprint reader., This is a simple program, demonstrate and how to create a DTR system using fingerprint reader. Thanks for downloading my simple program. Enjoy coding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!