facebook like in php

Facebook News Feed Like using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Project: Facebook News Feed Like using PHP/MySQLi About The Facebook News Feed Like is a PHP/MySQLi project that shows how to create a social networking news feed like Facebook. This system focuses only on the news feed of Facebook or the commonly called Facebook posts. The system also has a registration for the user account like Facebook but only stores limited information for this project. The

Social Networking Site in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
Project: Social Networking Site in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code The Social Networking Site is a web based project that is developed using PHP, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL for the database. It is a very simple project that even beginners in programming would find it very interesting. This Social Networking Site is a user friendly projects that different user can easily use all of its features