error trapping

Invoice System using PHP/OOP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a PHP project that I'd developed called Invoice System. This is a simple OOP PHP project that can help some companies to manage their invoices. The system handles invoices for both selling products and services. This system can help other programmers especially those who are new to PHP language to learn some techniques and understand how to build an Invoice System in the said

Online Lot Reservation

Submitted by tovi on
This a simple Online Lot Reservation based on the Process of Dynamic Properties and Realty Corporation developer of Oasis Subdivision. Here, you can add, edit, delete, calculate terms of payment. It also include error trapping and of course reserve lot online and upload requirements needed for reservation. Instructions: 1. User must have a wamp server 2. In phpmyadmin.Import localhost.sql 3