Enrollment System in PHP

Car Driving School Management System in PHP/OOP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This is a PHP project entitled Car Driving School Management System. This is a web-based application that provides an online platform for managing the Driving Schools Enrollees' Records. The source code was written in PHP/OOP and uses MySQL Database. This project has 2 sides of user interface which are the Public Website and the Admin/Management Side. This can help the management retrieve and

Online Enrollment Management System in PHP and PayPal Free Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
With so many steps in the enrollment process this Online Enrollment management system is simply the best to minimize the stressful time for everyone involved. With this automated system, the school staff members can save significant amounts of time and money. This contains two sides which are the Public side and the Admin Side. This is so very easy to use that students or parents can easily and quickly complete the forms provided even on their mobile phones. There’s no need for them to go to the school to enroll now, it’s very convenient for the parents or students to enroll online. In here, A PayPal is used as a mode of payment so the students can pay the fees in seconds.

Online Course Registration in PHP Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Online Course Registration System with Source Code is a PHP project that can enroll students in any course in a convenient way. The system is easier to use, the student is required to log in first before they can enroll. The student must provide their pin# to proceed in the selection of courses. They can also print out their registration details after finishing the enrollment process. About The

Pre-School Management System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by kimz190 on
This project is called Pre-School Management System. The system manages the certain school's admissions and other data/records. This system stores the list of the students along with the relevant informations. The system has many features such as enrollment, admission application, performance management, and many more. The system functional and free to download. The system was built/developed