educational game

Educational Flash Card Generator App in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Educational Flash Card Generator App in VanillaJS with Source Code - A web application developed purely in JavaScript that generates flashcards. This application is designed to facilitate interaction with your students by presenting questions in a flashcard format. JavaScript Source Code.

Quick Math Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Quick Math, an exciting and quick mathematical challenge that will put your arithmetic skills to the test! In this web-based game created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you'll embark on a journey of rapid mental calculations and race against the clock. Quick Math, much like the Word Scramble and Rock, Paper, Scissors, that includes elements of randomness and quick thinking to create an engaging

Math Mania Educational Game

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
This is an educational game created in vb6, there are simple math problems that is shown on the screen, and you must answer it as fast as you can. The time for each question is determined using the progress bar control below the answering box, if you answered the question incorrectly, or your time runs out, the game is over, the high score is recorded using the settings entry For more information

Picture Puzzle Game

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
This is a game made in VB6 that randomizes the position of 6 images, you must rearrange the pictures according to the result on stopping the randomization. You must drag the pictures below and drop it down to the boxes in the right side. For more information, visit my facebook account , search "Peter's Programs" on Facebook or Contact me via phone @09358571433