E commerce

e-Commerce Site using PHP/PDO, PHPMailer, ReCaptcha, and PayPal with Source Code

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This is a simple e-commerce site system created using PHP with PDO as DB driver. The user/visitor can add products to his/her cart but unable to check out if not logged into the site/system. If the user is not logged into the system and adds a new product into the cart, these products will be added to the user's cart upon login.

e-Commerce Site Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by Davis21 on
This is an e-Commerce site created using PHP/MySQL. It has an administrator page that allows you to add products. You can add, edit, update and delete products. It also has a report of products list. Features: Products Product Report Product List Equipment Assigned Equipment Fixed Asset Report __________________________ click administrator ADMINISTRATOR only user: davis_server pass: Enterrich