A database was use with SQL Server

Restore database

Submitted by Hassan Hambe on
You can use this code to restore database into SQL server Private Sub BtnRestore_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnRestore.Click Try Dim database = CmbDatabase .Text Dim ServrnameRestore = CmbServer .Text .Trim Dim OpenFile1 As New OpenFileDialog Dim Constr As String Constr ="Data Source=" & ServrnameRestore &"; Initial Catalog=master; Integrated Security=True" 'Open connection

Temporary Tables Magic Table and Injection in SQL

Submitted by Aliya Crox on
Tempopary tables Tempopary tables are created at runtimes and ability to perform all the operation like the normal table. These tables have limited scope. This table is stored in tempdb. There are two types of temporary table: Local Temporary table: This table is available only for the current connection. It is automatic deleted once disconnects from instance. This table is createdby putting