
How to Create a Guess My Number Game in Python

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to make a guess my number game in Python. The Game: This is a simple game where the computer chooses a random number, then the player has a certain amount of guesses to guess the correct number by following the feedback (too high, or too low). The Imports: First we need to import the random module to let the computer choose a random number...

Forum Tutorial - MOTD and Banning Messages

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is going to be covering message of the days and banning messages. Database Setup: First we are going to set the database up ready for storing our information, create a new table named "reasons", then give it the following columns of structure: id - INT - 5 Length - Primary Key - Auto Increment (AI/A_I) use - VARCHAR - 255 Length message - VARCHAR - 255 Length additional - VARCHAR - 255 Length We are going to make the use value "motd" for Message of the Day, or "ban" for the banning message.

Forum Tutorial - User Levels #1 - Setting Up & Altering Register Functions

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial will be continuing my creating a forum in PHP/MySQLi/HTML tutorial series. I have received a request to implement user levels to the system, so this tutorial will be setting up the things we need, and adjusting the register script to avoid errors. The Theory: Each user will have an access level, each of which have different permissions.

Forum Tutorial - Deleting Posts

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to add the ability for a user to delete their posts. The Theory: We could add a user panel where it lists all the users posts along with options to delete them, but instead we are going to add a delete option adjacent to the post itself to save space - plus I'm planning on making an admin panel tutorial soon. The PHP: So in the part of the PHP where we actually output each reply to a thread, we want to check if the logged in users' username held in the session variable is equal to the author of the post,

Forum Tutorial - Email Verification

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial will be covering how to add email verification to your user account registration page. As a base for this tutorial, I will be using my already made series of pages from my forum creation series which can be found on my account tracking page (there's around 20 parts!). The Theory: The way this verification is going to work is; The user will enter their email upon registration. A ticket will be created and stored in our database containing a unique string which will be emailed to the users email address. The email will be sent

How to Create and Drop MySQL Database Using Visual Basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
In this tutorial, it covers the basics of creating and dropping of MySQL Database with visual Basic. MySQL is a leading open source database management system, multi user and a multithreaded database management system. MySQL database is available on most important OS platforms. It is one part of the very popular LAMP platform. Linux, Apache, MySQL, MySQL, PHP. But in my case, I am using XAMPP. To begin in this course, open visual basic and create a new project and name it as “ManageDb”.