
CodeIgniter Ajax File Upload using jQuery

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles oh how to ajax upload file in CodeIgniter using jQuery. In order for us to send the file via ajax request, where gonna be using FileReader and FormData. File reader reads the selected file then Formdata holds our file for ajax request. We use jQuery for our ajax request which is a javascript library that makes you handle javascript better.

How to include PHP files/Templates in CodeIgniter

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to include PHP flies/Templates or string in views of CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is a lightweight PHP framework that uses MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture. We cant just simply include our php file like we did with core PHP using include() function in CodeIgniter instead we do this in controllers following this tutorial.

How to Remove Index.Php in the URL of Codeigniter Application

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to remove index.php in the URL of CodeIgniter application. By default, index.php is included in the URLs of your CodeIgniter Application. You can remove this by using .htaccess file which contains rules for your URLs. We are going to make this file in this tutorial and a few configurations if your using localhost server.

CodeIgniter File Upload with Flashdata

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to upload files in CodeIgniter with flashdata. CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that uses MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture. Flashdata are a type of session but is just set one time means that after you reload the page, this data is removed. Flashdata are usually used when displaying action messages like success or errors.

Inventory System 1.0

Submitted by michael.galanza2016 on
To run the system please follow the step below. 1.Create Database name db_project2017 and import the database db_project2017. 2.Upload the file to your server directory. 3 Import the database. 4. Login the account given below. account: [email protected] password: password 5. go to link http://[::1]/index.php/inventory Hope this system guide you and this will be usefull without any warranty. For

Secure Registration and Login Script with PHP and MySQL using CodeIgniter and Ion Auth

Submitted by admin on
This is a secure registration and login form created using CodeIgniter and Ion Auth. I highly recommend using Ion Auth to secure the login form of your site as this is already tested and proven to prevent SQL Injection. In addition, I use Bootstrap to improve the design of the form. Here’s the instruction on how to setup CodeIgniter, Ion Auth and Bootstrap. 1. Download CodeIgniter Extract the

Basic Forum Using Codeigniter

Submitted by abubasil on
Hi to all This is basic a forum made with Codeigniter framework. The forum is designed to work as collaborative translation forum where the admin can add categories and pages for the categories and the rest of users can only post translation for those pages (articles). I was planning to make LIKE system (rank) for the best translator but did not work on it yet. Please be kind (this time) and share