chat system

Simple Chat System using Django in Python Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Simple Chat System using Django in Python Nowadays, one of the best ways of communication away from us is online. There are lots of websites/applications that we can use now such as Facebook Messenger, Skype, Viber, and WhatsApp. Here, I have created a simple chat web application which may help other newbies programmer understand how it is done. This is a Python and Django web application project

Simple Chat System using PHP, jQuery, and Ajax with Source Code

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This is a S imple Chat System created using PHP/MySQLi and AJAX/jQuery. It features a chat room that is locked by a password depending on the creator of the room. The chats in the room are shown using AJAX/jQuery. This chat system also has an admin panel. The admin user can manage all data of the system except for the chats but he/she can manage/join the room even the user created the room with a

eChat : Chat System Application using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

Submitted by xcoder on
The eChat is a Simple Chat System App that is developed using PHP/MySQLi. Like the popular chat applications, this simple application was mainly built as a medium of communication. The chat conversation is listed publicly which means the mini-project does not support private or direct messages to other users. The conversion panel automatically refreshed after 5 seconds so no need to reload the

Simple Chat System using PHP/MySQL and WebSocket with Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Project: Simple Chat System using PHP/MySQL and WebSocket with Source Code About The Simple Chat System using PHP/MySQL and WebSocket is a simple PHP/MySQL project also with the help of a web socket. The system is inspired by well-known applications or web applications such as Facebook Messenger, Skype, and Viber. In this project, the system will help you to understand how a chat system works like

Chat System - Admin Command Kick - Server Side

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the nineteenth in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series, or fourteenth in creating a chat client and server system, in which we are going to be continuing the previous tutorial. Previous: In the previous tutorial we added private message features to the client. The System: We are going to give the user a GUI to interact with the system - to send messages and see the currently connected members of the chat. When a client connects, add them to a list. Send incoming messages to everyone within the clien

Chat System - Admin Command Kick - Client Side

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the eighteenth in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series, or thirteenth in creating a chat client and server system, in which we are going to be giving clients a command to request actions from an admin. Previous: In the previous tutorial we added private message features to the client. The System: We are going to give the user a GUI to interact with the system - to send messages and see the currently connected members of the chat. When a client connects, add them to a list. Send incoming messages to

Chat System - Server Commands & Kicking Clients

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the fifteenth in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series, or tenth in creating a chat client and server system, in which we are going to be adding a feature to the server where the user in control of the server is able to kick specific clients out of the chat room. Previous: In the previous tutorial we finished making the ChatGUI work along with adding the functionality of commands. The System: We are going to give the user a GUI to interact with the system - to send messages and see the currently conn

Chat System - Chat GUI Commands [Members] and Receiving Messages

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the fourteenth in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series, or ninth in creating a chat client and server system, in which we are going to be making the rest of the ChatGUI work from the previous tutorial. Previous: In the previous tutorial we created a chat GUI to allow the user to physically send and receive messages visually.