bus booking system

Bus Seat Reservation System in JavaScript Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This simple project is a Bus Seat Reservation System. This is a web-based application project developed in JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS. The main goal of this JavaScript Project is to create an automated platform for Booking or Reserving Seats on Bus. This application is only a demo project and data are only stored using the local storage. The source code only demonstrates the

Online Bus Booking System

Submitted by Ronald Ngoda on
This is an online bus ticket/booking system. With this system bus company owners can easily manage the bookings/reservations for seats in their buses. Company owners can manage bus routes, bus availability and list all the buses and seats. With this system customers cannot book for seats that have already been booked. Customers can not also create double reservation. For example if a customer has