Borrower Panel

Borrowing and Returning Function in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create Borrowing and Returning Function in PHP/MySQL. We all know, Library System have this two functions. You can use this source code to create a simple Library System or in any system that has to borrow and returning functions. Hope you can learn from this tutorial.

Library System Beginner's Version

Submitted by frankie.paguirigan on

Library System includes: 1. Book Panel for modifying and viewing of books. 2. Borrower Panel for viewing and modify info. 3. Penalty Panel for Books 4. Calendar Activity Panel 5. Archiving Panel 6. Official Receipt Panel 7. Book Circulation Transactions 8. Book Catalog 9. Book Registry Panel 10. Inquiry for viewing and printing of Library Tansactions 11. Library Reports 12. Utilities for Backup