Basic Payroll System

Production Planning Database System

Submitted by Reynaldo Corvera on
Production Planning Database System, used for keeping Production Order records. Item data, orders data, production output data. You can also process material requirement plans that track the total requirements for all active orders and you can credit for those items already printed by using process inventory. And after printing you can also move items to archive as your reference for future orders

Advanced Keylogger

Submitted by oklaham070611 on
This advanced keylogger will able to capture any keys or application you entered and register into its directory. If you want to discontinue you can do so, provided that you know the password. Features: - Screen lock - Lock / Stop / Start / Clear Transactions - KeyLogger Directory

Personalized Web Browser

Submitted by oklaham070611 on
Hi!This Web Browser is personalized,you can add/remove Bookmark. If you reload this browser, the bookmarks will cleared. Features: - Bookmarks Logger - Url Display on tab page - Two forms interface - add/remove bookmarks while on display ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Note: All your added Bookmarks have a logger.. Means everytime you add, automatically will