CRUD Application in ASP.NET Core MVC 2.1 with Source Code

Submitted by Hasan soherwardi on
This is an ASP.NET simple project. This will help you to understand how to create a simple web application using ASP.NET and MS SQL Server. The program includes CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, and View) functionalities to manage the employee list. This program also executes the MVC (Model-View-Controller) way of organizing your codes. The model contains the pattern that responsible for maintaining

Create a push notification system with SignalR with ASP.NET MVC

Submitted by Mohamed Nageh … on
How to implement a push notification system with SignalR for notifying connected clients / users when any database changes happen on the server. Today's most of the applications are multi-user application, where multiple users doing their task at the same time. But the problem is when any user(s) done any changes (ex. inserted a new order) other users doesn’t know it unless the request is