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Add / Multi Delete & Edit Data in one Page

Submitted by ifeco on
Coded in Php. This is a simple example on how to make multiple modifications of database content without navigating from one page to another. If you follow it carefully, you will get to know how I achieved this. In this application, you can add content, check all, uncheck all, delete and edit all checked boxes in one single page. To get exactly the layout shown on the screenshot, use Google Chrome

E-learning CMS(Content Management System) based website coded in PHP.

Submitted by ifeco on
This is a CMS(Content Management System) based website coded in PHP. The admin can Update or Delete the content of the website through the admin panel. I did this as my project in my final year some months ago. I also made a downloadable pdf file for each topic of the content which the user can download through the download link in the navbar of the homepage. The user can also search the topics of