Sudoku Game using python 3.3.4

#‎using‬ python 3.3.4 to develop sudoku game ‪#‎sudoku‬ game from random import randint ‪#‎generate‬ board def build_board(): board=[] for i in range(9): block=[[" "," "," "], [" "," "," "], [" "," "," "]] board.append(block) return board ## ## Ensure no other block in the same row has the value ## def row_available(block, row, board, num): # Determine which of the main 3 rows this 3x3 block is at boardRow = int(block / 3); good = True for b in range(boardRow * 3, (boardRow * 3) + 3): if b != block: if num in board[b][row]: good = False break return good ## ## Ensure no other block in the same col has the value ## def col_available(block, row, col, board, num): # Determine which of the main 3 columns this 3x3 block is at boardCol = block % 3; good = True for b in (boardCol, boardCol + 3, boardCol + 6): if b != block: if num == board[b][row][col]: good = False break return good def fill_board(board): # to fill all numbers 1 through 9 for num in range(1,10): # for each of the 9 3x3 blocks for block in range(len(board)): triedRow = [-1] foundSpot = False for i in range(3): row = -1 while row in triedRow: row = randint(0,2) triedRow.append(row) if " " in board[block][row] and row_available(block, row, board, num): triedCol = [-1] for j in range(3): col = -1 while col in triedCol: col = randint(0,2) triedCol.append(col) if " " == board[block][row][col] and col_available(block, row, col, board, num): board[block][row][col] = num foundSpot = True if foundSpot: break if foundSpot: break if not foundSpot: print("Never Found a Spot for " + str(num) + " in block " + str(block)) return board ‪#‎display‬ board def display(board): num=[] for i in board: ‪#‎block‬ level for subI in i: ‪#‎row‬ for subsubI in subI: ‪#‎item‬ num.append(subsubI) print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[0],num[1],num[2],num[9],num[10],num[11],num[18],num[19],num[20])) print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[3],num[4],num[5],num[12],num[13],num[14],num[21],num[22],num[23])) print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[6],num[7],num[8],num[15],num[16],num[17],num[24],num[25],num[26])) print("---------------------------------------") print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[27],num[28],num[29],num[36],num[37],num[38],num[45],num[46],num[47])) print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[30],num[31],num[32],num[39],num[40],num[41],num[48],num[49],num[50])) print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[33],num[34],num[35],num[42],num[43],num[44],num[51],num[52],num[53])) print("---------------------------------------") print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[54],num[55],num[56],num[63],num[64],num[65],num[72],num[73],num[74])) print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[57],num[58],num[59],num[66],num[67],num[68],num[75],num[76],num[77])) print("---------------------------------------") print("| {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} || {} | {} | {} |".format(num[60],num[61],num[62],num[69],num[70],num[71],num[78],num[79],num[80])) print("---------------------------------------") ‪#‎test‬ board=build_board() board=fill_board(board) display=display(board)

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I hope you can also give at least a simple description on your post.

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