Payroll System using PHP/MySQL
Submitted by joel_daitol on Thursday, October 25, 2012 - 14:25.
re-design the database and the program this is only a trial hope it can help!!!!
software require:
Xampp OR wamp
php editor like notepad++ or notepad
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NOTE: sorry guys the complete code for this project has been deleted i dont have any copy ffor this project., anyway you can create your own the only limit is your imagination you have to be creative. tnx.,,,
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How to run answer
First create new database the name as you download and export the db(SQL) file.
Be sure the server name is root and password is not assign in you local server.
why is it that this system
why is it that this system cannot add a record..?.
do this have an error or its just me who dont know how to fix it..
this is the result of the system when i try to save the record:
invalid queryColumn count doesn't match value count at row 1
Thanks for helping
Its really useful for me., thank you for your sample code., it helps more for me.
hi can you please provide me
hi can you please provide me complete source code of pay roll management system using java and sql
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