Complete E-Commerce Site in PHP/MySQLi
About this System:
E-Commerce websites are online portals that facilitate online transactions of goods and services through means of the transfer of information and funds over the Internet.
System Features:
- Dashboard Transaction in the Admin Panel
- Product Management
- Sales Management
- jQuery cart adding and quantity adjustment
- Can shop even without logging into the site but cant checkout
- Product Search
- Magnify product image
- Email verification on signup
- Google CAPTCHA on signup
- Forgot password email
- PayPal express checkout
- Printable sales via date range
- User CRUD
- Product CRUD
- Can determine the Most Viewed Products
- Added PDO (PHP Data Objects)
- AdminLTE Plugins
- Added PHPMailer Plugin
Please refer to the video demo on how use to this project.
Best Regards,
Engr. Lyndon R. Bermoy
IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer
Mobile: 09079373999
Telephone: 826-9296
E-mail:[email protected]
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Subscribe at my YouTube Channel at: Ser Bermz
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