Online Enrollment System using CodeIgniter

Online Enrollment System using Codeigniter Online Enrollment System using Codeigniter I wanna Shared this to you how to create online enrollment system using codeigniter with form validation to secure/avoid XSS attack after register you can keep the Reg.Code number for using to login or to proceed next step thank for visit this website, just wait for another post for free source code without error. -if you want to see the code Go to Controllers->"Main.php" Models->"Auth_model.php" and Views->"User folder" --UI/UX-- -Bootstrap 4 -Javascript -CSS3 -HTML5 -Jquery Etc.. Please "follow" me bellow my profile youtube channel type: junil toledo Visit my Blog: -Xampp V 7.2 up -Database: jonel_example.sql Contact # : 09991050748 ->SMART

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