
Python Strings

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Strings in Python
  • Immutable and Mutable in Python
  • Joining two Strings
  • String Slicing
  • Finding length of a String

Strings in Python

In the previous tutorial we learned what variables are and how Python deals with variables. In this tutorial we will start by learning the details and usage of String type variable in Python.

Introduction to Python

Submitted by moazkhan on

Introduction to Python

A powerful interpreted programming language that can do simple and complex tasks. Due to its simplicity and ability to perform mathematical calculations at a high pace. It’s being used in a number of industries from Computer Vision, Data Science, Mathematics and Machine Learning. As python is an interpreted language so it’s easy to debug and hence helps developers in doing rapid application development very quickly.

Python Tutorial

Submitted by admin on

Python is one of the easiest languages to learn out there but one of the most powerful indeed. From backend development, web scrapping, data mining to machine learning all of this can be done using Python. Python offers a simple yet dynamic syntax and has an interpreted nature which makes it a perfect scripting language.

Rock Paper Scissors and Tic Tac Toe Game Using Python

Submitted by coderz on
This source code contains Rock Paper Scissors and Tic Tac Toe game programed using Python. The program is very simple to play. Just open the code using command line and type and hit enter. The main menu has two options. 1 is for Rock Paper Scissors game and 2 is for Tic Tac Toe game. There are three numbers that you need to use in order to play Rock Paper Scissors. They are: Rock = 0 Paper

How to Calculate Salary of Employee with Taxable Amount in Python

Submitted by admin on
This is a simple program to calculate salary of employee with taxable amount in Python. The program requires the name of the employee, name of the company, salary of the employee. It will then calculate based on 20% tax rate. If the employee’s salary falls below 10,000, then the employee is not taxed.