
Python For Loop

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Loop in Python
  • For loop in Python
  • Nested for loop in Python
  • Break statement in for loop
  • Continue statement in for loop

Loop in Python

In programming we sometimes need to execute a block of code again and again and for that we need to use something called loop. Loop helps us to repeat a block of code do something multiple times until a particular condition is satisfied.

For loop in Python

Python Operators

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Python Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators

Python Operators

Operators are considered as the foundation of any programming language. Operators are symbols which can control the value of operands by performing different tasks based on the type of symbol.

Assignment Operators

Python Dictionary

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Python Dictionary
  • Adding elements to a Dictionary
  • Accessing elements of a Dictionary
  • Removing elements from a Dictionary

Python Dictionary

Dictionary is a resource that that lists words and their meaning. So Dictionary data type in Python follow a similar concept, they define a key and a value. They are declared using curly brackets. Dictionaries in Python are mutable it means the values in a dictionary can be changed and they are also indexed but unordered.

Python Boolean

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Boolean in Python
  • Boolean expressions
  • Importance of Boolean in programming.

Boolean in Python

Boolean is perhaps one of the most simple yet the most powerful data type not only in Python but in other programming languages as well. Boolean data type has either a value of True or a value of False. Even the keywords used in Python to define Booleans are True and False.