Workout Timer Interval Application using JavaScript Source Code Free Download
This is a simple project entitled Workout Timer Interval Application. It is a simple JavaScript project that provides a timer application for working out with rest and work intervals. This simple application is mainly built for individuals that work out and follow a time interval per set of their exercise actions. It has a simple and pleasant user interface using Bootstrap v5 Framework. It also consists of user-friendly features and functionalities.
How does the Workout Timer Interval Application work?
The Workout Timer Interval Application is very easy to use and contains simple functionalities. It is basically a timer that has a work and rest interval for the individuals that work out. Users can simply set the timer for each set of actions of their workout and the rest timer for between each set. This application loops the timer (work and rest) until it reaches to last set. It also has a 10s timer by default before starting the set actual interval to give the individual a short time to get ready. After the set is done, the application will show 2 buttons which are the Restart and Configure Timer. The restart button will start the timer again using the same setup or the same time interval while the configure timer button allows the user to change the time interval.
Features and Functionalities
This Workout Timer Interval Application contains the following features and functionalities.
- Timer Configuration
- Automatically Loops the Timer
- Getting Ready Interval
- Restart Timer
- Change Timer Configuration
Timer Interval Sequence
The Workout Timer Interval Application is using the following sequence.
- Get Ready Timer
- Work Timer
- Rest Timer
- Finish/Restart
The number 2 and 3 automatically loops depending on how many sets of workout action the user set on the application.
This project was developed using the following Technologies:
- MS VS Code Editor
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap v5 Framework
Here are some of the application snapshots:
Timer Configuration
Getting Ready Interval
Work Interval
Rest Interval
The Workout Timer Interval Application source code zip file is available on this website and it is free to download. Feel free to download and modify the source code the way you wanted.
How to Run?
- Download the source code zip file. (download button is located below)
- Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
- Locate the index.html file.
- Browse the index.html file on your browser.
That's it! I hope this Workout Timer Interval Application using JavaScript Source Code will help you with what you are looking for and that you'll find something useful for your current and future web application projects.
Explore more on this website for more Tutorials and Free Source Codes.
Enjoy =)
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2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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