can you help me solve error when i access system are occur. i give attach file.
this is code .
Private Sub frmCheckOut_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim cnHotel As OleDbConnection
cnHotel = New OleDbConnection
With cnHotel
If .State = ConnectionState.Open Then .Close()
.ConnectionString = cnString
End With
Catch ex As OleDbException
End Try
FillCombobox(cboRateType, "SELECT * FROM Rate_Type", "Rate_Type", "RateType", "RateTypeID")
txtRoomNumber.Text = CStr(RoomNumber)
Dim qryTransactions As String = "SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE RoomNumber = " & RoomNumber & " AND Status = 'Check In'"
daTransactions.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand(qryTransactions, cnHotel)
Dim cb As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(daTransactions)
daTransactions.Fill(dsTransactions, "Transactions")
Dim dt As DataTable = dsTransactions.Tables("Transactions")
txtGuestName.Tag = dt.Rows(0)("FolioNumber")
txtGuestName.Text = GetFieldValue("SELECT [Name] FROM qry_CheckIn WHERE FolioNumber = '" & dt.Rows(0)("FolioNumber") & " '", "Name")
dtpDateIn.Text = dt.Rows(0)("DateIn")
If AutoCheckOut = True Then
If dt.Rows(0)("DateOut") >= Today Then
dtpDateOut.Value = dt.Rows(0)("DateOut")
dtpDateOut.Value = Today
End If
dtpDateOut.Value = dt.Rows(0)("DateOut")
End If
cboRateType.SelectedValue = dt.Rows(0)("RateType")
txtDays.Text = dtpDateOut.Value.Subtract(dtpDateIn.Text).Days.ToString
txtAdults.Text = dt.Rows(0)("Adults")
txtChildrens.Text = dt.Rows(0)("Childrens")
txtRate.Text = dt.Rows(0)("Rate")
txtOtherCharges.Text = toMoney(dt.Rows(0)("OtherCharges"))
txtDiscount.Text = toMoney(dt.Rows(0)("Discount"))
txtAmountPaid.Text = toMoney(dt.Rows(0)("AmountPaid"))
Catch ex As OleDbException
End Try
cboRateType.Enabled = False
Call ComputeAddRate()
Call ComputeRate()
ExecNonQuery("DELETE FolioNumber " & "From [Rate_Per_Period_Temp] " & "WHERE FolioNumber='" & txtGuestName.Tag & "'")
ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO [Rate_Per_Period_Temp] " & "SELECT [Rate_Per_Period].* " & "From [Rate_Per_Period] " & "WHERE FolioNumber='" & txtGuestName.Tag & "'")
End Sub
and continue
Private Sub SaveRecord(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim CustomerID As Short
Dim CompanyID As Short
If Trim(txtLastName.Text) = "" Or Trim(txtFirstName.Text) = "" Then
MsgBox("Vui lòng hoàn thành tên khách.", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
Exit Sub
End If
CustomerID = GetFieldValue("SELECT CustomerID FROM Customers WHERE LastName = '" & txtLastName.Text & "' AND FirstName = '" & txtFirstName.Text & "'", "CustomerID")
If CustomerID = 0 Then
CustomerID = GetIndex("Customers")
ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerID, LastName, FirstName) Values (" & CustomerID & ", '" & txtLastName.Text & "', '" & txtFirstName.Text & "')")
End If
CompanyID = GetFieldValue("SELECT CompanyID FROM Company WHERE Company = '" & txtCompany.Text & "' ", "CompanyID")
If CompanyID = 0 Then
If CompanyID = 0 Then
CompanyID = GetIndex("Company")
ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO Company (CompanyID, Company) Values (" & CompanyID & ", '" & txtCompany.Text & "')")
End If
End If
Dim dt As DataTable = dsReservation.Tables("Reservation")
If State = modGlobal.FormState.adStateAddMode Then
' add a row
Dim newRow As DataRow
newRow = dt.NewRow()
newRow("ReservationNo") = txtReservationNo.Text
newRow("Status") = "Reserved"
newRow("DateAdded") = Now()
'newRow("ReservedBy") = CurrUser.USER_PK
'newRow("AddedByFK") = CurrUser.USER_PK
dt.Rows(0)("DateModified") = Now
'dt.Rows(0)("LastUserFK") = CurrUser.USER_PK
End If
With dt
.Rows(0)("CustomerID") = CustomerID
.Rows(0)("Address") = txtAddress.Text
.Rows(0)("CountryID") = cboCountry.SelectedValue
.Rows(0)("CompanyID") = CompanyID
.Rows(0)("IDTypeID") = cboIDType.SelectedValue
.Rows(0)("IDNumber") = txtIDNumber.Text
.Rows(0)("RoomNumber") = IIf(cboRoomNumber.Text = "", System.DBNull.Value, cboRoomNumber.SelectedValue)
.Rows(0)("DateIn") = dtpDateIn.Value
.Rows(0)("DateOut") = dtpDateOut.Value
.Rows(0)("RateType") = cboRateType.SelectedValue
.Rows(0)("Rate") = txtRate.Text
.Rows(0)("OtherCharges") = txtOtherCharges.Text
.Rows(0)("Discount") = txtDiscount.Text
.Rows(0)("AmountPaid") = txtAmountPaid.Text
.Rows(0)("Days") = txtDays.Text
.Rows(0)("Adults") = txtAdults.Text
.Rows(0)("Childrens") = txtChildrens.Text
.Rows(0)("Total") = txtTotal.Text
'.Rows(0)("BusinessSourceID") = cboBusinessSource.SelectedValue
.Rows(0)("VehicleID") = IIf(cboVehicle.Text = "", System.DBNull.Value, cboVehicle.SelectedValue)
.Rows(0)("VehicleModel") = txtVehicleModel.Text
.Rows(0)("PlateNo") = txtPlateNo.Text
.Rows(0)("Notes") = txtNotes.Text
daReservation.Update(dsReservation, "Reservation")
End With
'Delete record from Inventory and add a new check in/out date
ExecNonQuery("DELETE ID, Status " & "From [Inventory] " & "WHERE ID='" & txtReservationNo.Text & "' AND Status='Reservation'")
Dim dtpStartDate As Date
dtpStartDate = dtpDateIn.Value
Do Until dtpStartDate = Format(dtpDateOut.Value, "Short Date")
ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO [Inventory] ( ID, RoomNumber, [Date], CustomerID, Status ) " & "VALUES ('" & txtReservationNo.Text & "', " & cboRoomNumber.SelectedValue & ", #" & dtpStartDate & "#, " & txtLastName.Tag & ", 'Reservation')")
dtpStartDate = System.DateTime.FromOADate(dtpStartDate.ToOADate + 1)
blnSaved = True
End Sub
thanhk everyone
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