Simple Online Food Ordering System using PHP/MySQL


The Online Food ordering System is a simple project using PHP/MySQL. This project was developed using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript (jQuery/Ajax), and Bootstrap. This project does not support any payment transaction with any third party API such as PayPal.

About the Project

The Simple Online Food Ordering System has the admin side and visitor/client-side. The admin will manage all the data needed for the website more importantly the list of available menus. The client will browse the website, explore and choose his/her desired menu's and save it to cart for later checkout. After that, the client will go to the cart, review his/ her order, confirm the delivery address and other information, and place his/ her order. This is an easy to use project, if you're planning to build or develop an ordering system for a restaurant or cafe,  this project will be a good start. 


Admin Side

  • Login Page
    • The page where the admin will input his or her credential to access the admin side of the system.
  • Category Page
    • The page where all product/menu categories are listed and being managed by admin.
  • Menu Page
    • The page where the product/menu is listed and can be managed by the admin.
  • System Settings
    • The page where an admin configures the website data.


  • Home Page
    • The Page where the client will be redirected by default and can choose his/her desired menus.
  • Cart Page
    • The page where the list of menu's/product that being saved cart is listed.
  • About Page
    • The page where the about the content of the Cafe or Restaurant is being displayed.
  • Checkout Page
    • The page where the client will place his/her order.

How to Run

  1. Download the source code and extract the zip file.
  2. Download or set up any local web server that runs PHP script.
  3. Open the web-server database and create a new database name it fos_db.
  4. Import the SQL file located in the database folder of the source code.
  5. Copy and paste the source code to the location where your local web server accessing your local projects. Example for XAMPP('C:\xampp\htdocs')
  6. Open a web browser and browse the project. e.g [ http://localhost/simple-online-food-ordering-system-using-php ] and for the admin side [ http://localhost/simple-online-food-ordering-system-using-php/admin ]

Default Admin Access:


PASSWORD: admin123

I hope this project will help you with what you are looking for.

Explore this website for more Source codes and Tutorials.


Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


how to solve when the cart is fatal error "unparenthesized a?b:c?d:e' is not supported. ". and i cannot login to admin nor register and customer login. please lend a help to beginner me. thank you

When you go to create an account and enter your email and click create it comes up with the message "Email already exist." For admin page, the sign-in is also email and password but the description said to use username and password. I don't know about the other issue but those are the ones I have faced

When you go to create an account and click create the message "Email already exist" pops up. The Cart menu completely breaks when you open it. The admin login is email and password but you provide a username and password for the admin to sign in with

Hi, thank you for raising your concern about the project. The project source code is now updated and please make sure that when you access the admin side you are browsing the right path. You should add "/admin" in your URL when accessing the admin side for example (http://localhost/fos/admin).

Error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on bool in C:\wamp64\www\Projects\fos\index.php on line 8 Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on bool in C:\wamp64\www\Projects\fos\index.php on line 8 I'm facing the following errors.

when I press on the view button under the menus or when I click on login, nothing happens, there is just a load that appears on the screen in an infinite way Please can someone help me?

When you press + or -, why does it not automatically update the price in the cart? It does update it, in the database it just doesn't refresh the total running on the screen unless you manually refresh the page.

The Project is good but I encounter the following errors (1) When you click on Order Now and then click on any product you want to order for, it doesn't display alert message "Order successfully added to cart" on click on add to cart (2) when I press the + , the cart update in the menu but when you now click on the cart in the menu, to view to order and the then proceed to payment, the cart returned zero and in the view cart page it doesn't display any information and when I click on proceed to checkout and then login add to art again no information again. when I click on proceed to checkout again I receive error message you don't have an item in your cart. please help me out as a beginner.

Thank you for sharing, this is very helpful. Indeed, having an online ordering system in a restaurant is a great advantage and is really helpful for sales especially during these times. I hope many restaurant owners can read this. I also suggest having the best order management tool to make the restaurant's ordering and delivery systems faster, accurate, and more efficient.

I can't login on both admin and customer panel on customer panel it shows "email already exists". and on admin panel it shows "username and password is incorrect" and cart does not open it directly shows an error plzzz fix these errors

Hello Dear, i want to say that the admin does not work and the cart i can not indicate and when i want to register it says that email already exists. Can i ask you to fix it and return it please?

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