Credit Co-Operative Society Software with SMS

CREDIT SOCIETY ACCOUNTING LOANS AND DEPOSITS SOFTWARE Credit Society Accounting Software is a complete software for giving credits and collection of Deposits. Software Features:- Member's Database :- Shareholders, Loans,Depositors,Pass Books, etc Member: Code, Name Address, Nominee Details Deposit: Daily, Monthly, Yearly, Fixed and Recurring Loans Category : Gold, Vehicle, Asset, Short Term & Personal. Shares : No.of Shares, Buying, Selling & Withdrawals Gurantor : Code, Name Address, Indirect Liabilities. New Member Entry : Date of Joining, Initital Deposit, Shares, Society Joining Fees Loan Application Form : Date of Loan, Loan Sanction, Gurantors, Direct & Indirect Liabilities, Effective Date of Loan, No.of Installments, Penalty / Late Fee and etc Loan Collection : Setting Auto Reminder on Date with SMS. Receipt Printing : share certificate printing, FD certificate, Loans Installment, Deposit, Shares, Interest / Subscription, Penalty / Late Fee Reports : Deposit, Loans, Shares and Accounting Reports IMP : Please Kindly set the navigation.aspx to default page. Whats Up Me If You Have any Quiry : 7038740679

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hi brother where is your SQL file please?

Hello can some body let me know how can I install Co-operative management system and what does it's required? can be installed on cpanel hosting or does it need a linux server and how to run it Kindly Regards Baligh

hello!!,windows script host finds error,it says 'module' is undefined...anybody has the idea regards to the matter?

plz send me ctadit co-opretive softwere for our orgnization

I have bought this softwere and I need some edition/depelopment. how we work togethore

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