asking a question
Hello sir,
Please tell me about login details: username and password????
Ashish gupta
a. go to phpmyadmin
b. create database name "campusadmin"
c. import "campusadmin.sql"
Admin login
username: [email protected]
password: [email protected]
Student login
username: [email protected]
password: [email protected]
Employee login
Add staff using Admin account
3. Browse to the ECIT folder and you will be redirected to the installation process.
4. Fill out the form, click install, and that's it!
5. You are now ready to use ECIT.
# Poked Issues #
- The .htaccess file may cause issues on some servers. If you get a 500 Internal Server Error when you try to load the installer,
- On Windows Server WAMP / XAMPP need to rewrite apache serveice : click on the WAMP/XAMPP icon and goto apache --> Apache Modules --> rewrite_modle make sure this rewrite_module is chacked.
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