Add Record in the Database

About this code it is a simple code in PHP/MySQL to add a record in the database. I intende this code for beginning programmer that uses PHP and MySQL as there web development programming language. If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. I am also accepting programming jobs, assignments, projects or thesis with a very reasonable and affordable price. Please contact me through my email at mobile phone number. My mobile phone numbers here in the Philippines is 09296768375 and my telephone number at home is +63 (034) 4335081. Thank you very much and Happy Programming. Regards, Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-Instructional Technology Programmer, Teacher and Computer Technician

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Hiii sir......... I saw your project.... Its nice and very interesting.... can you help me to do my project... I do no how to choose my title to do project.... plz help me sir please!!!!!!! Hope you will reply sir Thank you!!!!!!!!

can u help me to make a library system. where should i strt. help me!! :(

guys!!!anybody who can help me in creating a simple faculty class record system in vb 6?? or if you have a code there, please share it to me..thanks!!! god bless!!!

Can you make a DIRECTORY SYSTEM using PHP. any directory. pls.pls.pls :((( heres my email add. - [email protected] pls. help. pls. pls. pls

Please help me to create a simple log in with registration this is my email add [email protected] you so much

My project title is lab system management . Using front end visual basic and back end ms access. how to connect database from vb to ms access. please send code to my email id--> [email protected]

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