Computerized Voting System in Java with MS Access and Jasper Reports

This System composed of 4 modules 1. SERVER 2. CLIENT 3. VERIFIER 4. LIVE VIEW OF SCORE It is uses individual computer for SERVER, VERIFIER,LIVE VIEW OF SCORE and several computers for CLIENT.. SERVER - all 3 modules are connected in this server the client can be installed in several computers and once the students verified they can set in the client computers and make their selection of candidates, once finish they can send their vote to the server and the server is the responsible for saving the students vote into the database then it will change the status of the students so that the verifier know that the students is already voted. VERIFIER - this is used to verify the student status by sending the student id to the server and wait for the server response if the response show that the particular student is not voted yet, then the student now can enter the room and make his/her selection of candidate thru the client module, otherwise, student is not permitted to enter the room. CLIENT - this module use to make the selection of candidates and send vote to the server.. in this module the students can view the profile of all candidate so that they can make their best choice.. LIVE VIEW OF SCORE - in this monitor, the audience and candidate can view all candidate score at real time, when the vote is sent to the server, the score for each candidate is updated automatically .... NOTE : change the HOST IP ADDRESS of the VERIFIER TO the actual IP ADDRESS of the PC where the SERVER is running... to make this 2 module connected to each other.. the same method to connect the Sever and the Live View of Score

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this is awesome, great design..

Anyone got the complete source code for the voting system, kindly share

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