PCGH system

This is a system in the hospital PCGH The Back End is SQl server 2008 if you want to finish this project juct contact me ^_^

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Hi, can you please tell me how to use the database?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

my database is Sql server 2008 you need to install the sql server 2008 and the back file on dataBase folder PCGHDatabase.bak (back up) youn need to copy this on drive c:/ms sql server/database/back file and goto the sql server management studio you need to Restore the database ^_^

Step1: install sql server 2008 w/ management studio copy the back up file database and paste the drive c: ms sql server look folder your server database and paste the back up folder step2: restore the datase from sql server back up folder open sql server management studio then Restore the database.. if you have already restore you need to change the connection string Imports System.Data.SqlClient Module connect Public Con As SqlConnection Public constr As String Public usertype As String Public Sub main() Dim servername = "PPCI-PC" 'change this your own Pc servername Dim serverdatabase = "PCGHDatabase" Dim serverpassword = "ppci" 'change this your own password databse constr = "Data Source=" & servername & " ;Initial Catalog=" & serverdatabase & ";User Id=sa;Password=" & serverpassword & ";" Con = New SqlConnection(constr) Try Con.Open() 'MsgBox("Server Connection is Open ! ") Con.Close() Catch ex As Exception 'MsgBox("Sorry Can not open connection ! ") End Try End Sub End Module

Can you re-upload the database,this one seems to be incorrectly formed,i can not restore. Your concept looks good,i just want to learn afew things from you.thanks.

hi do you have source code of c++ cashier program can you help me email me kimberlyjoy.davin@yahoo.com god bless thanks asap!!!!1

the content of database is "incorrectly formed" i cant restore it

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