Chatting Application for Android

this is nice program to chat together if u wanna any query for me please contact me Regards Mr. Santosh Rai HOD Of Android Apps [email protected]

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Exception raised during rendering: java.lang.System.arraycopy([CI[CII)V how to resolve this proble i am getting this type of log error

I like the comments about the chat code. I have been looking for even the simplest chat for my app out there but most of them are not working properly... having the source code will really help.

Pode me enviar code font APP ? fotosdecapa

Please send me the source code. thanks!

Sir Please, may send me step by step process with code for making this simple chatting application

Hi, could you please send me the source code of chat application for android. My email id [email protected]

Hello Mr. Santosh Rai Congratulations on the article, could send me the project code on my email [email protected] Best Regards Sandro Nascimento São Paulo - Brazil

Seriously what a timewaste application.. i think you should shame on you...are you an idiot?? Is it really a chatting application?? what a fuck man. Juss go and spread shitt on your face that you are the stupid. bastard..

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