2013 Best Programming & Learning How to Code Websites
Submitted by navajocodetalker on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - 10:38.
There are thousands if not millions of programming websites that teaches students and programmer in learning how to code but only few of them have really established themselves as an authority.
We have listed some of the most popular programming websites and sites that teaches programming that will surely helps us in one way or another, in our journey especially in enhancing our talents as programmers and coders.
The internet is the best source for developers to learn more about code. It's our pleasure to share the best and useful resources for web developers and programmers. We come up with some best way to learn code easily.
Here's the list of the 2013 Best Programming Websites in Random Order:
1. Codecademy
One of the fastest going go-to-site for newbies and expert programmers. An easiest way to learn to code online, featuring an interactive, fun and user-friendly interface. You can eve do it with your friends.
2. PhP Academy
In this site you can access free PHP tutorials and other web development tutorials, including tutorials for MySQL, JavaScript (including jQuery) and CSS.
3. Code School
Code School is an online learning platform that teaches a variety of programming and web design skills. Courses range from beginner to advanced levels and you get to earn rewards and badges as you learn.
4. Code.Org
Encourage every student not only in the US but worldwide to learn to code. Spearheaded by Technology icons, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
5. Coursera
Take the World's best courses online for free.
6. Team Tree House
It's a better way to learn technology, at Team Tree House, you can learn to build websites, create iPhone and Android apps, code with Ruby on Rails and PHP, or start a business. You will be guided with a step-by-step video courses and training excercises that will give you a wide range of competitive, in demand technology skills that will help you land your next dream job or build your own startup idea.
7. jQuery Air
Learning jQuery for the first time should be fun, and jQuery Air allows you to get your feet wet in the most practical way possible. Learn basic JavaScript concepts including declaring variable, functions, and working with arrays.
8. Developer Google
9. Developer Apple
10. Developer Android
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