Empath Point Of Sale

I have designed an exclusive Point of Sale in Vb.net 2010 and Ms Access 2013. It includes many fancy features: Items Employees Suppliers Customers Sales Invoices Quotes Back up data See daily sales See owing customers Please Note : Accept Shortcut key : F10 Cancel / Close : ESC Username : Musa ; Developer ; Technician Passcode : musa ; develover ; technician Copy database file "ECMIS " to local disk C:\ Note: If you encounter an error "Operation must use and updateable query.", run Visual Studio as Administrator. This is due to the location of the database under drive c:. Hope you like the system... Send me feedback on Email : blank.null@yahoo.com Call : +268 766 888 65 Whats-app me : +277 358 448 63

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IT is the best system i have seen

Nice one thanks... Many features and your code helped me...

pls help me with dis error execute non query that wat the code is showing me wen I run it

dear sir your project is very Good but in model connection you can make the steps : 1- copy database (ECMIS) in Debug folder 2- replace every Data Source with Data Source= " & Application.StartupPath & "\ECMIS.accdb 3- the project need for reports . thanks for this project

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