Chat Application (connecting winforms to webapp chat service) demo =>

PROGRAMMER: WINSTON L. GUBANTES Features: 1. Chat Application Sample to connect your Winform Application to Web App Chat service Useful with following Scenarios 1. Realtime based apps 2. if you want your client application(be it web or winform apps) to get notified when data has changes 3. of course can be used as chat application can be suited on any type of application(web, agent service or winforms) System Requirements: 1. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, 2005 OR HIGHER 2. CPU(Intel,Amd) 1ghz or higher 3. RAM 512 mb or higher (1gig recommended) Requirements for IDE: 1. C# VS STUDIO 2012 Professional Edition NOTE: I have provided the whole source code for it, for you to explore. IF YOU WANT TO SEE THIS IN ACTION GOTO => AND RUN THIS PROJECTS WINFORM APPLICATION, ENJOY CODING

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Seems very clean and very good work! I havnt had time to take a look, but is it possible to make it work with VBNET 2011? Thanks for the Source and I wanted also to say this is really amazing that a developer agrees to share the source with others. I respect that a lot! This showes the integrity and the amazing goodwill of the Developer. God bless

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