Library Management System (LMS)
Submitted by Praveen M. Gauttam on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 12:02.
The mini project ‘Library Management’ is the sample project for managing library. The project aims at developing library management system using the C language that enables an organization to maintain its library.
The project demonstrates the creation of a user interface of a system, without the use of C Graphics library.
The application uses basic C function to generate menus, show message boxes and print text on the screen.
To display customized text with colors and fonts according to application requirements, functions have been created in the application, which fetch the exact video memory addresses of a target location, to write text at a particular location.
The application also implements the concept of structures to define the library items. It also effectively applies the various C concepts such as file operations, looping and branching constructs and string manipulation functions.
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