Airline Reservation System V1.0
Submitted by Raj.Sharma on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 05:19.
username- admin
password- 12345
password change option is available...Crystal reports and Printing Datagridview r added n all kinda validations are added
note: it will not work properly in visual studio express edition or limited edition
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only conversion is possible..
of course u can convert generated report in pdf using crystal report...
i will upload source code
i will upload source code very soon...u cnt see source code bcoz i uploaded only its setup..
I am unable to run the systen
Please can you help me out. I have Visual studio 2005 but i can not run the program
u cant run dis project on
u cant run dis project on visual studio 2005 bcoz i created it in visual studio i m working on its much advanced version with lots of new try in on visual studio 2010........
You did a great job with this program.Do you documentation for it? will really appreciate it.
sorry i dnt ryt nw...actually
sorry i dnt ryt nw...actually i had in my system but by mistake dat got deleted...
of course u can alter it...
of course u can alter it....source code is included in the file...
dosnt work on vs2010 profesional edition
am trying to run the program with vs2010 but some error about mysql is poping up please how can fix this... i just want learn from the program because i just started coding thanks
install crystal report for VS
install crystal report for VS 2010 in ur system if u did not installed...even reinstalling visual studio can solve out ur problem..
if u still hv problem then mail me at [email protected] with screenshot of errors during debug...tnX
SQL server is used as back
SQL server is used as back end not mysql...attach the database from location ..\Airline Reservation System\bin\debug using server explorer..
then debug the project in VS 2010 then i hope u can run the project successfully....
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