Facebook Notification Clone Script Using PHP/MySQL and Jquery

This code will teach you on how to create a facebook alike message notification with dropdown using php/mysql and jquery. the feature of this system are, it give alert how many message you need to read, It provide dropdown list of message, it provides view all message link so that you can read all both read and unread messages. Download this code to try and if you have a question or any, just leave comment so that i will know and ican correct if you find some error, happy coding and good luck. database name: labs

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ya baby

Nice articlw

argee, i need to notify if the comment or unread message please help example once new message they notify have a new message. and hide old message.

Heyy can you give me a .sql file of your "labs" database. I need that urgently. Please help me Emailid-architkothari.kothari@gmail.com

nice work! but css style is not working in IE browser. and how can i zero out notification count if I clicked the notification? thanks!

i found 2 problems with this code :-P.shouldn't it auto update the status column in DB when you click on the Specific Message . It should be on auto chk for New Messages

plz mail b DB file ...... it ill help me lot to understand ..... i m new in php so plz do mail b the Data base file on shoaibsaeed@hotmail.com

uhmmm can i have the db file.? i am really new to php..plsss.. thank you so much my mail:enajer22@gmail.com

Its ok but it doesnt make live notification..if u add a record in db,you need to refresh the page,it doesnt fetch automaticly from db..

Please provide me with a database so that i can understand the code better email me please @ sai92.hbk@gmail.com thanks in advance..

pliz help me with the db file(sql), i really nid 2 implement on my upcoming project egesadonatius@gmail.com

Please provide me with a database so that i can understand the code better
email me please @ vivekshuklavicky@gmail.com

thanks in advance..

Hey, Please provide the source code download link. No where I found it in this page.

Please provide the source code download link.

Can you send the database file. Thanks. kristinemater281@gmail.com

Can you send the database file. Its very urgent please send me on pankaj0590@gmail.com Thanks.

Hello can you please send me a copy of the code and the db files. My email id is rohitailani@gmail.com

look like beautiful for us

send source code pleas deathope26@gmail.com

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