Search an object in Dababase

Always forgot to remember one query. So for them only Below query you can any table, stored procedure or views who ever have that expression as a column or object name. SELECT * FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE ID IN (SELECT ID FROM SYSCOMMENTS WHERE TEXT LIKE ‘%PRODUC%’) The query produced all the object names. where ever it finds expression like ‘PRODUC‘ If you wanted to find any table name only then SELECT * FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME LIKE ‘%TA%’ and xtype=‘u’ About the author: is a place for all developer providing free source codes, articles, complete projects,complete application in PHP, C/C++, Javascript, Visual Basic, Cobol, Pascal, ASP/VBScript, AJAX, SQL, Perl, Python, Ruby, Mobile Development


Well I have created a software using VB and msaccess, now I have this VB.NET2003 version and would like my current project to .NET version, would it be possible to do that. Can .XML data be change into msaccess, if it is possible how to do that. Would be grateful if anyone could help Thanks. Zela

Well thanks for the response, I tried converting and the conversion seem fine but when I tried to run the program with VB.NET2003, its says "built error, and could not start because the program .exe file is not found." though the project run fine on VB. I am wondering what could be the problem. would be grateful if you could please help or give any suggestion to solve this. And I am still wondering how could I convert .xml file to .mdb file so that one of the other program i create can have a database lock file or .xml file could be lock too or what, kindly assist me on this please. Thank you

Well problem is I am trying to create a dictionary program of my own language like oxford dictionary, can't be good as oxford though i know but anyway a dictionary that can be view as easily as possible. Somehow I did using vb but now I have seen a good example with VB.NET and the database is .XML, and I have no experience with I am just wondering would it be possible to make or would you give me a hand on creating the dictionary. If you are willing let me know your mail ID and I will send the vb code and the screen shot. I would be very grateful if you could give me a hand. Thanks anyway for responding to my queries so far. Zela

It's very easy to convert XML into MS Access database. If this sample code you mentioned is using a dataset to connect to the XML file then you don't have any problem converting this to an Access database. For now I can't help you on this. Create a blog topic and attached the file so I can help you if I have time.

Well I've put a blog as you suggest, kindly see that and let me know if you could give me a hand, what I want mostly is the word list available on the other side of the screen like oxford dictionary, where the word list gets display as you type. Thank you.

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