Java Source Code
Text Security
The Software security system is totally enhanced with the Features that enable us to feel the real time environment. Today’s world is mostly employing the latest networking techniques instead of using stand alone pc’s .Due to globalization the information is shared through sending memos, E-mails and Fax .It is not secure and reliable . There is threat of security by the eavesdroppers, hackers and other unauthorized user’s. Hence, it is necessary to develop an application for providing security to the developed system. This project “Software Security System” simulates the above application.
Software security is to secure from the unauthorized user to gain access over the information. The main aim of security system is secured the networking concepts and the information can’t converted by the other user. To read the information one must decrypt the encrypted information in a specified manner. The sender and receiver both can have the systematic way of access to the information. The security system must start with physical security. This is physically inaccessible to unauthorized intruders.
Security system involves protecting the computer installation against natured disarters such as fires or earthquakes. Security systems have methods of verifying accesses. One method is to store a list of acceptable telephone numbers in the computer and have the computer callbacks when a user calls in another method.
Today’s software are being pirated from the original one.This must be prevented which is also one of the main intention of the project Otherwise some other pirate the important software developed by you. A unique identification number namely the “MAC Address” is used to protect the software from piracy. This project provides security using the concept of “cryptography”. The security may be any of the two types ,that is, ”symmetric” or “asymmetric”. The procedure containing of encode the data using some algorithms which consist of a key (public/private) through which the other side i.e, other party will decode using the same key which has been accepted . By both parties or users.
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