Snake and Ladder Games In C++
Submitted by jignesh_mca on Monday, March 16, 2009 - 18:45.
Submmited By : Jignesh (MCA) , India, Gujarat
This is snake and ladder game in C++.
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about graphics.h--header file
hi there..
i tried to run the program on a visual C++ 6.0..
how come it has an error saying that graphics.h header file is not found in the library...
is there a substitude for this certain header file?
if there is...what is it?
can somebody help me to have the codes in visual basic c++ of the game snake?
i just need it for a very major subject...
if somebody has it just send it to my email
[email protected]
thnx for the help...
can any1 give me a coding of game sanke and lader
can any1 give me a coding of game sanke and lader
shame for u
tu ney koi magic to kia nai jo e-mail kar key code ley.bhai sab is game key thousand of code net per available hai.hahahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa
complete source code needed
hi i executed this code in visual studio 2010 but its giving many error so please send me complete code ,i will be thankful to u.this is my email id [email protected]
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