when we download your project there was a problem.the declaration of ADODB.Recordset. we don't know if the problem was in our installer or in the program??
please help us regarding to this problem..
thank you for your time sir..
About this code I called it Password Version 1.0 written in Visual Basic 6.0. This is my first time to write a Visual Basic application that is database driven. Im using ADO controls to access the data in the database. My front end Im using Visual Basic for screen design and data retrieval and for my back end Im using MS Access where I store my user name and password. I intended my work for beginners in Visual Basic database programming.
If you find my code useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach my in my mobile numbers 09296768375 and my landline number (034) 433-50-81. Thank you very much and Happy Programming.
Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada,MAED - Instructional Technology
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when we download your project there was a problem.the declaration of ADODB.Recordset. we don't know if the problem was in our installer or in the program??
please help us regarding to this problem..
thank you for your time sir..