Make a Username and Password in VB 6.0
Submitted by princenathan on Friday, July 9, 2010 - 16:37.
- Private Sub log_in( )
- if text1.text=("nathan") and text2.text=("cute") then
- me.hide
- else
- msgbox "sorry try to review ur username and password
- End sub
how to make change password and username in vb6
how to make change password and username in vb6 thx!!!
VB Password
!! are you a software Developer!? are you? !! if you are can you teach me how to create or how to make a VB !! its very difficult to me to create! because my Instructor very poor on teaching VB!!
username and password from database
i have connected vb to access using ADODc.the password and username was stored in access,,,can you help me with the codes.?tnx
user name and password in vb 6
Please help me create a vb 6 code that requires a user to log in. Hisr username and password are stored in an ms access table. Everytime he logs in, that table is searched for the corresponding username and password; if successful, form1 is opened; if not, the program displays a username and password misatch error message and allows the user up to 3 attempts before it closes the program.
Also, please include a code that allows the user to change his password.
Many thanks and God bless!
creating password and username
is it possible that the password appear as an asterisk "*" for the security of the user.
Everything is possible
yes it's possible to show ur password as " * " .
If u wanna 2 show password in TextBox, firstly...... click on the textbox properties.....
& in this u see a option "Password" , then in this u type anything in this field by which u wanna 2 show ur password
Saurabh Chauhan
user name and password in vb 6
Hi Romie do you want the full coding for this
the explanation of how it is done
i also want to know how to connect access in vb 6 and the codes for the log in. please help me. email me. [email protected] i really need help.
To use ADODB go to Project>Reference>Find Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.0
For me, I use modules. The Login.mdb here is the database name and has a tblUsers. Here is the code:
Public db As New ADODB.Connection
Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Public sql as String
Public Function SetCon()
db = New ADODB.Connection
db.ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + App.Path + "\Login.mdb"
End Function
Public Function SetRs()
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open sql, db, AdOpenStatic, AdLockOptimistic
End Function
Public Function CloseCon()
Set db = nothing
End Function
Public Function CloseRs
Set rs = nothing
End Function
Then on the frmLogin, put 2 textboxes and a command button. Textbox1 is for the Username and Textbox 2 for the Password. Here is the code for command button:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
sql="select * from tblUsers where Username='" + Text1.Text + '" and Password='" + Text2.Text + "'"
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
Unload Me
End If
Happy coding.
Regards >>> Cidfrey here
Daily Time records of employee
hi guys! can you help me in my mini system?
i don't how to create a daily time records of employees using vb.06 and database. pls help me with my codes.
--chee :(
some error on your code
had to change your code here too due to some error
Public Function SetRs()
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset >>this line
rs.Open sql, db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
End Function
sql="select * from tblUsers where Username='" + Text1.Text + '" and Password='" + Text2.Text + "'" >>>here ' and " has been misplaced after + Text1.Text +
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then >>error message "operation is not allowed when object is closed"
Unload Me
End If
Connect MS Access to Vb6
this is a short step on how to connect MS Access to Vb6 Follow
Project>Reference>Find Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.7 Library
at my case i use 2.7 library
if you want the brief tutorial just follow this
hello!!Im haydee
we need a POS System could u plz help us in our program? me at [email protected]
vb 6.0
inner query
changing the password
hey frens i doin a project in which my frontend is vb n backend oracle(sql). i hav a form in vb for changing the password n i have specified the username n password in sql by creating a table for the it . can any 1 plz send me the code to change the existing password.....
hi can you help me please for
hi can you help me please for how to retrive data from textbox control to database in
retriving data from textbox
1.create a database file vb project-->standard exe>
establish connection to database
and the
'rst is a record set
guys can you help me..
im a comp prog student
sont know how to conncect my vb 6.0 in my access
im using adodc.hope you can help me huhu msg me @ [email protected] tnx guys
how can i use a combo box in
how can i use a combo box in username, i don't know how can apply that can you help me pls..
username and password
can anyone help me on how to make a code with username and password?!
the condition is:
if username is right and password is wrong the output is "INVALID PASSWORD"
if username is wrong and password is right the output is "INVALID USERNAME"
if username and password is wrong the output is "ACCESS DENIED"
if username and password is right the output is "ACCESS GRANTED"
IF login attempts more than 3":
in 4x attempt the output is "INTRUDER ALERT"
In 5x attempts the output is "SYSTEM LOCK"
Can anyone help me???!!!
tetsudatte kuremasuka?
domo arigatou!!!
Codes for reset password window..
I have create a a project, bt I don't know codes for reset password window. Plz help me, I need it immediately..
payroll system for our defend on finals ;(
can you help me identify all the tables/entities to be
use in the payroll system ?please . so that i can normalize the relationship for
these :( help me.
hi can you help me also
hi can you help me also making a system...client record
[email protected] thanks
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