school management system v1.0

Am trying to work on a school database system and fees collection as part of project work for a school. Kindly help me out with the payment collection side

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I have downloaded this system, but as I opened the files it was asked to me for login password and I couldn't open that. how to open that. Please guide me

What are the steps that you will have to follow for you to be able to develop the COMPUTERIZED ENROLLMENT SYSTEM???????????? .nid your help... [email protected] tnx..

please send source code

i have tried your program its very good. the problem however is that if a student registers for class 1, term 1, and after going into the term 2, he owes the school an amount how do you make sure that it is able to add the arrears to the current fee owed? thank you. i will appreciate it when i hear from you by tomorrow

please send me the source code for this project

The program is working fine except terms owing conflict, and in my opinions it would have been better if you would add attendance and students results portions. And the most important thin is the GUI is not friendly, will also be better if you design better one. thanks . i will apriciate if you send me source code. my email is [email protected]

i have tried your program its very good. the problem however is that if a student registers for class 1, term 1, and after going into the term 2, he owes the school an amount how do you make sure that it is able to add the arrears to the current fee owed? thank you. i will appreciate it when i hear from you by tomorrow

hello, your code is fantastic. though i encountered issues with fee payments. that is DEBTS OWED by tudents in arears. pls can you solve the issue for me. here is my email... [email protected]. thanks

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