Yard To Feet Lister Version 1.0
Submitted by jakerpomperada on Monday, November 30, 2009 - 20:05.
Learning two dimensional array in C++ is a little bit difficult at first after I understand the concept I wrote this code. I called it Yard to Feet Lister. I show how to use two dimensional array in C++ in a very simple and easy to understand way. I hope that this code will help everyone that is interested in C++ programming.
If you like my work send me an email at [email protected]. I am also accepting programming jobs like programming assignments, projects and thesis in a very reasonable price.
People here in the Philippines can contact me through my mobile phonenumber at 09296768375 and my telephone number at home +63 (034) 4335081 .
Thank you very much and Happy Programming.
Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-Instructional Technology
Programmer, Teacher and Computer Techncian
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