Parallel Array

Hi there about this code I called it Parallel Array in C++. Parallel arrays are several arrays with the same number of elements that work in tandem to organize data. For Example dogname Wally Skeeter Corky Jessie Sadie round1 18 22 12 17 15 round2 20 25 16 18 17 **The true beauty of parallel arrays, is that each array may be of a different data type. In the data represented above, the first array is the dog's name, the second array is the dog's score in round 1 of the competition, and the third array is the dog's score in round 2 of the competition. The arrays are parallel, in that the dog in the first element of the first array has the scores represented in the first elements of the second and third arrays. Sample Code: //Printing the dog competition information: for(int index = 0; index dogname.length( ); index++) { cout

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