Library Management System Using C++

Friends here is a Library Management System code developed by me.please run this code and send feed back.Before running this code please go through the text file 'help.txt' in the downloaded file. Advance Features: 1. Creating User. 2. Log In and Log Out facility for both admin and user. 3. Restricting user to issue book if no copy of the book is available at that time. Obvious features for a Library Management System: I. For User: 1. Viewing all books. 2. Book searching by book name,serial number,author name. 3. Book issuing and depositing. 4. Viewing profile. II. For Admin: 1. Viewing all books. 2. Adding new books. 3. Updating existing book details. 4. Deleting books. 5. Viewing all Users. Upcoming Features: 1. Updating User profile. 2. Deleting User from system etc.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


hi can i have any project for my study in c in any topics with source code please send me on [email protected]

How to implement any c code in to application?

wat is the username for admin log and pssword

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