Simple ClassBoard App

Hello there! This is just a simple app made by me for my high school final year project. Is currently still in progress but basically it allows you to login using a database,create a new account and you can also access an admin control panel to add remove edit and save using the username Admin(please use upper case A) and password admin(with lower case). You can also login into main form using an account that you created. It comes with SqlLocalDb.msi that will automatically tell you to install so you can use the database. The comments on the code are in Romanian...soo yeah(remeber final year project i need comments in my language xD). Now with email verification and also a gradebook.And you can also export the grades in html format and send emails to studends and parents. For this to work please go into bin\debug\resources\first.txt and replace flase with true and restart the program and after that let it install SqlLocalDb.msi!

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2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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