GHospital Care | Clinic Management System

This is a complete hospital/clinic management system written by visual c# 2008 & ms sql server. This is very useful and easy to use software. This is very helpful also to those who wants to learn C#. Feel free to explore and learn from this project. Hope it helps you in your future project. if any problem please email me at Tushar Ganguly

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can you publish your project database ???

Thanks for the code. Please, correct me if I am wrong but I can't find the database. Can you help me please. Thanks in advance.

username and password please

publish your project database plz

Please provide the database

I Publish The DataBase For The Project Very Shortly.Stay Tune.

Can you give another link please? Cant open the link you've given.

Hello , you do not attached the database here can you please provide the sql database file please and last link not worked same that you don;t like to attach the db and without db you good code not useable

i can help u all, follow the direction. 1. First download this software from 2. install the software 3. Now create a Database "masterHMS", just database, no need table or field 4. Now rename the "" to "gs.bak" 5. Restore the gs.bak file by new installed software (source file: "gs.bak", Target database: "masterHMS" 6. change the connection string.

I think some database table is missing on the buid like tbleSubServices, tblBloodGrouping etc. Would you please send me the full source code with DB in my mail at [email protected] This will helps me a lot. Regards Mirza Sanower Hosen

Dear if some one want c# project for final year project fyp then contact me Ver Easyy code with comments 03149078070 [email protected]

In reply to by Aman ullah (not verified)

hi how r u

Can you please give me a database of this project

can someone upgrade the DB to work with SQL 2008

please database of the project

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